The news of our impending demise has been grossly overstated and as the source of the rumours was probably our recent blog posts, we are really sorry!
TO BE CLEAR: After only being open 2 months before the pandemic and having had 2 years of trading heavily impacted by lockdowns and restrictions, we (like most independent businesses) are in a bit of a precarious position. We had many plans for the business that we were not able to initiate due to having limited time, staffing & budget during those tough times. We are thrilled that things do now seem to have turned a corner, but... IF we sit back and just wait for the business to organically grow (as we are sure it will), and ignore the impact of the last 2 years, we will likely create a deficit and there is a good chance that by the time our bills are due in September, we will be up the proverbial creek without a paddle!
Therefore, as terrifying as it may be to push our luck so soon after the bumcrack of a journey we have had so far, we need to act NOW! We need to kick into action our initial plans for the business to enable us to build mid-week and non-event trade. This includes offering food, launching all our midweek events, marketing more and launching our escape room. We will also be launching a #SaveFromExtinction campaign, with various fundraising events, to help cover the cost of these projects and any deficit that is accrued.
Of course, the harsh reality is that we don't know if this plan will work, there is never any guarantee, BUT, if the plan is successful, not only will we survive come September, we will have got ourselves back on track despite of the pandemic and should from then on be secure for many moons to come.
We know that most of you love our bar as much as we do, which is why we laid all of our cards on the table in our last couple of blog posts. This seems to have started the infamous Leighton Buzzard rumour mill turning at full steam, but those whispers of our imminent ruination are a little premature! With your help, we have every faith that we will survive this and The Crooked Crow Bar will be better than ever. So don't panic yet! This is not Game Over, more Go BIG or Go Home!
Anyway, having cleared that up, we are happy to report that last week was another absolute corker. Thursday we had a great night with Sammy B performing a tribute to Amy Winehouse.. Due to a case of covid in the band, Motorpace were unable to perform on Friday, however, metal band, Still Remains put on a fantastic show. Saturday we had The Informers return to our stage and we were jam-packed with everyone dancing like it was 1999 and Sunday we had a lovely chilled session with DJs Double Deckers providing an awesome soundtrack of soul, ska & mod vinyl classics.
Update on our #SaveFromExtiction campaign:
We have been working with our crack team to get our campaign ready to launch next month.

ESCAPE ROOM: We have reviewed our schedule of works to complete the room and have outsourced the project management of this, which means, for the first time in what seems like forever, works on the room have recommenced! We will keep you updated as to progress and a launch date (currently estimated to be 1st July).
FOOD: We have been taste testing (it was a tough job, but somebody had to do it) and have now teamed up with the awesome guys at Pieminster. They are a fantastic company and their ethos is right on point for us: great branding, environmentally aware, gluten free and vegan options and (most importantly), bloomin' tasty! The plan is to start serving pie & mash on Saturdays and Sundays 12-4pm and we will see how this goes and make a decision as to whether to make the food available more often.
MERCH: We have launched our merch shop and it is now on our website. So you can now spread the word about your favourite independent venue whilst looking cooler than an arctic foxes butt-cheeks!
OTHER PROJECTS: We have tidied our events schedule, upped our marketing and are busy organising and writing our fundraising events, details of which will be announced in May.

Thursday 28th April 8pm: Jam Night
We will be hosting a regular Jam Night at The Crooked Crow Bar the 2nd Thursday of each month, however, to make sure that this event is as good as it possibly can be, we want to have a pre-launch trial so we can work out any kinks! So tonight, we are hosting a pre-launch Jam Night! Free Entry.
We will have drum kit, mics and amps so to take part you will just need guitar/bass and drum sticks (depending on what you play)!

Friday 29th April, 8pm: The Hip Hop Lounge
It's the last Friday of the month, so the Crazy James & April Blue are back to host The Hip Hop Lounge. This is an amazing event with open mic slots for rappers, singers & freestylers, guest performances, live band and DJs and entry is just £5.
Tickets available on the door or you can get yours here:

Saturday 30th April 12-6pm: BYO Vinyl
Pop down and see us this Saturday for some awesome tunes, great atmosphere and fantastic beers (& Crow Cocktails)!
You can give your favourite vinyl a spin on our twin Technics 1200s +mixer through our brilliant Studiomaster PA.
Free Entry
All Genres Welcome
No Pre Booking Required
Dogs Allowed
Outside Food Permitted
Over 16s Only
(Please note, this is a chilled, weekly, fun event and whilst we are happy for you to play whatever vinyl or genre you wish, pretending you are an Ibiza DJ mixing & scratching vinyl is not what we are about as (a) you will look like a tit and (b) our staff and customers will likely want to stab sharp objects in their ears. So playing vinyl=YES. Titting about with them=Absolutely NO)!

Saturday 30th April 9pm: Live Music
Bad Hombre are back at The Crooked Crow Bar this Saturday Night with fantastic, dance-friendly rock, punk, new wave, indie and surf classics.
Free Entry
We recommend you arrive early to ensure entry

Sunday Vibes 12-4pm
We are going to be taking it up a gear this Sunday (well it is a bank holiday weekend after all)! Live indie originals from this awesome debut band, Adionasties!
Free Entry
For more info on upcoming events, visit our website: