We had a fantastic week last week, with live music from 6 Little Fingers, The Atomics & That's What She Said, a great couple of busy bar nights mid week and another successful outing for The Pie Nest on Saturday and Sunday afternoon! This week we had another awesome night of stand up comedy with our Castle Comedy night last night and we are now moving on to what has all the hallmarks of an EPIC weekend.

Friday 27th: The Hip Hop Lounge
It is the last Friday of the month, which means we see the return of the Hip Hop Lounge. With open mic slots for rappers & freestylers, guest performances, live band and DJs, this event is always pure magic!
Doors: 8pm
Entry: £5
Saturday 28th:
12-6pm: BYO Vinyl
Come and give your favourite vinyl a spin

on our twin Technics 1200s + mixer and hear it through our fantastic Studiomaster PA.
All genres welcome
No ego's / no superstar DJ's!!! No mixing / scratching the vinyl!! Just good tunes!
Free Entry - No pre-booking required
Friendly atmosphere
9pm: Live music from The Polaroidz
Awesome alt 80s classics
Dancing shoes highly recommended!
Over 16s only
Free Entry

Sunday Vibes 12-4pm
It is the last Sunday of the month and so DJs Double Deckers will be here with an awesome soundtrack of soul, motown, ska, punk and mod classic vinyl!
Chilled vibes, great tunes, great beer/cocktails/coffee, fantastic atmosphere!
Free Entry
Over 16s Only
The Pie Nest: Saturday & Sunday 12-4pm
Delicious Pieminister Pie & Mash and Jamaican inspired patties. This weeks Pie of The Week: Mock-A-Doodle (tofu 'chicken' with leak, smoked garlic & white wine).
Then onto the Jubilee mayhem... What ever your opinion on the monarchy, the notion of an extra bank holiday, and having 2 landing in the one week, feels like a much needed excuse for a royal piss-up after what has been a tough couple of years for all of us! So, whether you will be donning a tiara and creating carnage with your corgi's in your cul-de-sac's street party, or just making the most of a couple of extra days off work, we salute you!!! We will be hosting (as always) an awesome schedule of events, so if you are in need of an excuse to head down to your favourite, local, independent, drinking establishment, check this out...
Wed & Thur: Join us for awesome tunes, great atmosphere, pool, darts, board games, plus some great deals on our fantastic grog!!! 2 Dead Mans Fingers rum shots for £6, 2x Jega Bombs for a fiver, 2x Crow Cocktails for £12 and Pimms Jugs just £10!
Friday (8pm): Jubilee Jam
Usually our Jam Night is the 2nd Thursday of each month, but this event has been SO fantastic, we thought it would be perfect for the Jubilee celebrations! For details check out our website / facebook. Free Entry
Saturday Night: Platinum Party
Nothing says party better than a night of cheesy tunes, perfect for throwing some shapes on our dance floor! Free Entry
Sunday Vibes: 12-4pm